Friday, October 07, 2005
Smoking in Japan

I've been down with a cold lately, so I haven't been smoking very much. Which is, of course, a very good thing.
I need to be more earnest about quitting. But doing it in Japan is harder than in the States where it's looked down upon. Just because you can smoke everywhere here: school (in the smoking room), restaurants, train stations, karaoke, indoor malls, wherever you see an ashtray. I still don't smoke inside my home, and I try to be polite when I'm with non-smokers.
Cigarettes are also cheaper here, at 300 yen ($2.64) a pack and vending machines of them are plentiful. And they sell Marlboro Lights, and they taste the same too. Apparently, Marlboro Lights are quite strong compared to Japanese cigarettes.
Well, I need to quit sometime soon. Anna's coming in a week, so she can get on my case again. :) I agree with the ashtray, "Preferably no smoking is better than smoking."
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It would be so hard to quit over there where it is incredibly prevalent. I know that the advertising laws over there regarding smoking are different. Have you noticed a difference in the way that smoking is advertised?
I need to quit too... :(
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I need to quit too... :(
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